Just looking for some advice, i'd really appreciate it


New member
Jan 18, 2020
I have a little experience with dementia, my great gran was very poorly with it and passed away a couple of years ago, but this is a little different. I'l explain as best as i can and i'm hoping maybe someone can shed a little light.
My nan (76yrs old) has in the last 3 months gone down hill really quick, pneumonia twice, type 2 diabetes went mental (low blood sugars constantly). I noticed she was getting forgetful, but nothing major. Only for recent stuff, older memories seem fine. In december she started sort of making stuff up, saying she'd been for walks and seen the ducks etc, but she hasn't left the house for weeks.
She was then admitted to hospital, circulation problems in her leg, which has lead to an amputation.
She now is incredibly forgetful, confused, seeing things that aren't there (it's not the medication, i have asked that question) and telling stories that dont make sense. Weird things like asking if i have a compartment for peanuts in my car. Or she'll tell a story that it total gobeldygook.
My great grand dementia was nothing like this, so i'm not sure if it could be that, or could it be something else to do with being old and frail?
I'd appreciate any help and advice.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi @Messer and welcome to DTP

There are different types of dementia and I dont know what sort your great gran had, but all the symptoms that you describe in your nan sound very much like dementia.
The memory loss for short term things while retaining longer term memory is typical of the sort of memory loss that you get with most types of dementia and the stories that sound made up or nonsense sound like confabulations - which is where the brain fills in the gaps in the memory with made up stuff, stuff from things like TV, or things from a different time.

Obviously we cant diagnose on these boards, but I think that if you tell (or write to) her GP all the things that concern you and you can get her to an appointment, then the GP will very likely refer your nan to the memory clinic.


New member
Jan 18, 2020
My other gran had vascular dementia.
It's just seemed to go downhill so much faster than i've seen before so i wasn't sure if it could be dementia.
I have asked at the hospital that they try and get some checks done, but they seem reluctant, which added to me being unsure that's what it could be


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Rates of decline vary from person to person, even with the same type of dementia.

The other thing is that infections, anaesthetics and other medical problems can all hasten the progression of dementia.
Hospitals dont usually check for dementia if they are in for something else, so that would probably explain their reluctance. Make sure her GP is aware of what is going on and then try and get her for an appointment with them

Lady unicorn

New member
Jan 14, 2020
I have a little experience with dementia, my great gran was very poorly with it and passed away a couple of years ago, but this is a little different. I'l explain as best as i can and i'm hoping maybe someone can shed a little light.
My nan (76yrs old) has in the last 3 months gone down hill really quick, pneumonia twice, type 2 diabetes went mental (low blood sugars constantly). I noticed she was getting forgetful, but nothing major. Only for recent stuff, older memories seem fine. In december she started sort of making stuff up, saying she'd been for walks and seen the ducks etc, but she hasn't left the house for weeks.
She was then admitted to hospital, circulation problems in her leg, which has lead to an amputation.
She now is incredibly forgetful, confused, seeing things that aren't there (it's not the medication, i have asked that question) and telling stories that dont make sense. Weird things like asking if i have a compartment for peanuts in my car. Or she'll tell a story that it total gobeldygook.
My great grand dementia was nothing like this, so i'm not sure if it could be that, or could it be something else to do with being old and frail?
I'd appreciate any help and advice.
Maybe she has age related confusion. She has been through a lot . Hope she is back to herself soon