At the end of my tether...

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
I hope your dad will be ok once the hospital have treated him and the fruit salad works. Best wishes to you both, Bunpoots..


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Oh Bunpoots, Im sorry to hear this. If he will tolerate the line he will probably feel better once he is rehydrated.
Hope you manage a snooze to catch up a bit on your sleep loss

Registered User
Jan 16, 2014
Sorry to hear your dad needs hospital treatment and hope it isn't too traumatic for him or you...I remember those times with my medic frightened dad and on a drip oh so well! Hope he gets sorted quickly


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
I've just got back from the hospital. Dad's mad enough to chew neutronium!! I was greeted by "Thank God you've arrived! These people are stopping me, I'm supposed to be playing badminton with E and P" :rolleyes:

He's ok, sort of. Very tired and struggling to make himself understood. It took 10mins to get the above out with lots of "the place where you do..." explanations. He thought my daughter was my sister. We reassured him that everyone knew where he was and the match will wait til he's feeling better.

Of course he said.."There's nothing wrong with me!" o_O

I'm going to snooze now...


Registered User
Jun 12, 2016
Lincoln, UK
I've just got back from the hospital. Dad's mad enough to chew neutronium!! I was greeted by "Thank God you've arrived! These people are stopping me, I'm supposed to be playing badminton with E and P" :rolleyes:

He's ok, sort of. Very tired and struggling to make himself understood. It took 10mins to get the above out with lots of "the place where you do..." explanations. He thought my daughter was my sister. We reassured him that everyone knew where he was and the match will wait til he's feeling better.

Of course he said.."There's nothing wrong with me!" o_O

I'm going to snooze now...
Oh bless him; must have been so confusing for him. And how dare the staff prevent him from playing his badminton!! All very real to him of course. Thanks for the update. Yes, please get some much needed rest now. Take Care @Bunpoots xxx

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
I'm so sorry to hear this. The hospital stays are never easy. Hope you get some rest, if possible, and keep us posted when you can (and only if you feel up to it!). Sending (((((hugs))))).


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
I've just been to visit dad again. He's been moved to the strokes ward. He's had a bleed on his brain. His blood pressure was sky high so they're treating that. He's very sleepy and struggling to find the right words. He didn't seem distressed and had just finished a mug of tea when we got there. He still knows us. It was nice to see his face light up when we arrived.

We left when he fell asleep.

The nurse asked me to fill in the "this is me" form. I hope they refer to it.


Registered User
Jul 22, 2018
@BLIP - where has the SW got the idea that your mum is being abused from? The reason I ask is that soon after mum was diagnosed and before she went into her care home she was accusing me of abusing her. If she fell against some furniture and bruised her arm she would show the neighbours this bruise and tell them that was where i had punched her, or grabbed her and shaken her :eek:. She never said anything like that to my face and I was astounded when I discovered what she had been saying. She was also accusing me of stealing from her. I was needless, to say, untrue, but she had become very paranoid


Registered User
Jul 22, 2018

M.I.L. was crying in the back garden to the neighbour that she had been locked in and that her son was being nasty to her. Also said she hadn't seen a soul for ages, even though we see her every day ! M.I.L. rang the S.W. and told him the same hence the big row on Tuesday. Asked nurses at hospital what was happening with M.I.L. and was told that S.W. was arranging respite for her, news to us !!! There will be a meeting apparently that we will be expected to attend but as S.W. will be there and we have put in a complaint about him we don't want to speak to him ! We don't need respite now we will need it when hubby has his amputation in October. Can we have respite more than once a year ? Off to sit by M.I.L's bed now to try hard to have a conversation with her. Might as well watch paint dry for all the good it does either of us. Hubby can't visit as got upset tum , think it's nerves more than a bug. It really upset him having the police called.


Registered User
Jul 22, 2018
Wish the hospital staff did a this is me form. M.I.L. is on a general medical day ward. She's become a bed blocker through no fault of her own. The nurses do their best but M.I.L. Needs specialist dementia care.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Ah, I thought it might be something like that @BLIP
Thats a SW with very little understanding of dementia and the delusions that go with it. Im so sorry. I would go to the meeting to make sure that your side of the story is heard, even if that SW is present.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
It's horrible @BLIP - the way the nhs don't understand the needs of PWD. I'm afraid I know nothing about respite. Dad is also on a general ward, but for people who have had strokes so I suppose there is more understanding of brain damage there, at least I hope so.

We found it very stressful when dad was accusing us of all sorts. It's the last thing you need!!

I would hope you can get respite whenever you need it for health reasons.


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
I agree with @canary - go to the meeting if at all possible, and put your points across - as calmly as possible in the circumstances!!! I’ve had a couple of poor SW’s and haven’t always managed to keep calm myself lol .... but as it’s a meeting, it will be recorded so it’s important you’re there if you can make it.
All the best
Lindy xx


Registered User
May 12, 2018
OMG, reading this post makes me so aware of what's ahead and it's already started with mum. Yesterday, she was just about to get into my car and she asked if I had any plastic bags. When I asked why, she said she had wet herself! I asked her to go into the house and change but she said no, she couldn't be bothered...
Anyway, bless you all, you are all brilliant xx


Registered User
Dec 11, 2013
OMG, reading this post makes me so aware of what's ahead and it's already started with mum. Yesterday, she was just about to get into my car and she asked if I had any plastic bags. When I asked why, she said she had wet herself! I asked her to go into the house and change but she said no, she couldn't be bothered...
Anyway, bless you all, you are all brilliant xx
Hello @Cazzita , nice to 'meet' you :)
I don't think anyone can know exactly what's ahead, as everyone is so different. I had incidents with my mum like the one you describe, a good ten years prior to her diagnosis. Between these events she was able to function reasonably well. It was only when this and worse were constant that I felt urgently in need of help.
I hope this is of some reassurance to you - but of course, as I say, everyone is different....
All the best to you.
Lindy xx